How to support the Palestinians Against Occupation

The plight of the Palestinian people is a civil rights issue.

Throughout history people have been subjected to tyranny, discrimination and denial of basic human rights.

Freedom is the birth right of every human being born on this planet, however the Palestinians have lived under illegal occupation while the politicians in the UK and US side with the oppressors.

The state of Israel is a product of the UK, with Zionist legislation created by the Balfour declaration in 1917.

Since then UK politicians have continually backed Israel as an ally. After all, the UK created Israel by promoting Zionism.

Israel since it's inception using ethnic cleansing and apartheid policies, is out of control.

To change the minds of politicians the people must stand up.

Many people are unaware and uninformed of the Israel-Palestine issue and unequivocally side with Israel based on media reporting. This is understandable, however our aim is to raise awareness and educate the average person to understand the 76 year history of occupation, of ethnic cleansing, of apartheid, of the oppression of indigenous people, of land thefts and illegal settlements and of a plausible case of Genocide.

When the people demand it, the politicians will take action.

Your MPs work for you. They are voted for by you.

When we stand up collectively, they will have to listen. Support our campaigns of raising awareness, with your help we can educate 1000s of people and hopefully change will come to Palestine.