Theft of Palestinian homes and land

In the Occupied territories, Palestinian land is taken over by force using forced evictions by Israeli courts. Zionist polices are to expel the Palestinians from the land by making their lives more difficult. Forced evictions are a part of this ethnic cleansing.

Palestinians are illegally evicted from their homes which are subsequently bulldozed to make wat for Israeli settlements.

These evictions and displacement has gone on since the birth of Israel in 1948, contrary to international law.

Once settlements are created they are annexed off by the Israeli occupation forces with soldier's guarding the roads. Palestinians are not allowed to enter these roads or walk through these settlements however Jewish people are allowed to roam freely.

This is Apartheid.

Palestinians can be arrested and in some cases are shot by armed soldiers manning these settlement outposts.

Outposts are a familiar sight in Israel with only the Palestinians being subjected to checks. This discrimination has been long ignored by the international community but it has been repeatedly highlighted by human rights organisations and journalists.

In 2003, Rachel Corrie an American aid worker was killed by Israeli forces while she was protecting a Palestinian home from being bulldozed. She was run over and subsequent investigations into her death by Israeli forces did not result in any convictions of those involved.

The land from which the Palestinians are evicted from are their ancestoral homes where generations of families have lived through. They lived in peace and harmony for over 1000 years before the Zionist settlers arrived under a colonial system to take over the land.

Illegal evictions and home demolitions are regular occurrences all the way though the start of 2023 and even more so since the October 7th after which the worlds eyes have been on Gaza, the Israeli occupation forces in the West Bank have ramped up theft of land and homes to create more settlements which are illegal under international law.

While Israeli settlements are built continuously, Palestinians are denied permits to build. The courts favour Zionist-Israelis over Palestinians with further evidence of Apartheid policies. Very rarely are Palestinians able to build or expand their properties under the brutal Zionist Israeli occupation, designed to dominate the indigenous people and force them to leave the land once and for all. The injustice continues to this day.