Apartheid in Israel

The Palestinians are the indigenous original inhabitants of their land where they lived in peace and harmony for over 1000 years.

In the early 1900s international colonial settlers began to arrive in Palestine under Zionist ideology and legislation developed in the UK, which seeks to form a state for Jewish people in Palestine.

Zionism is an apartheid ideology which seeks to remove the indigenous Palestinians from their land and to replace them with settlers who are only allowed to be Jewish, in order to create a homeland for themselves.

In 1948 the Nakba (Catastrophe) occured, where Zionist settlers supplied with funds from the UK/USA, attacked Palestinian villages, the men were killed and attrocities were carried out against the indigenous women and children. Over 500 villages were destroyed, homes were burnt and the Palestinian population were expelled from their land in a case of ethnic cleansing.

After the Nakba - the State of Israel was established. Israel was borne in the blood of the innocent indigenous Palestinians who were massacred in Zionist settlers attacks.

Over 750,000 Palestinians were forcibly moved to the Gaza strip where they live under an Israeli blockade and occupation. The remaining Palestinians today live in the West Bank, in east Jerusalem and some in the State of Israel.

The Israeli government maintains a system of laws, policies, and practices designed to oppress and dominate Palestinians. This system manifests in various ways across the different areas where Israel exerts control over Palestinians’ rights, but the intent remains the same: to privilege Zionist-Jewish Israelis at the expense of Palestinians.

The aim of the occupation and denial of human rights is to oppress and persecute the population to influence them leave the land. The overall aim is to create a Greater Israel with no indigenous Palestinians living there. Israeli Ministers have continually made comments regarding clearing the Gaza strip of Palestinians.

The Palestinians yearn for freedom, for self determination and an end to 76 years of occupation and an end to the callous denial of their basic human rights.

Freedom is the birthright of every human being born on this planet.

Today the world watches on as a right-wing Israeli government destroys 80% of infrastructure in the Gaza strip essential to support life.

The aim to eradicate the population to slowly influence them to leave the land and settle elsewhere. This is ethnic cleansing carried out by a genocide as the ICJ (International Court of Justice) has ruled a plausible case.

Fighting against injustice, oppression, and apartheid. Promoting human rights and freedom.

persons hand with white manicure
persons hand with white manicure
Raising Awareness

Spreading the message. Educating others. Taking a stand.

people in black jacket standing on street during daytime
people in black jacket standing on street during daytime
grayscale photo of woman holding sign
grayscale photo of woman holding sign
group of childrens sitting on ground
group of childrens sitting on ground
Supporting Self-Determination

Empowering individuals to make their own choices and decisions.

Inspiring and impactful work, truly making a difference in the fight against injustice and apartheid.

Sarah K.

woman in white and pink floral shirt raising her hands
woman in white and pink floral shirt raising her hands
persons hand with white snow
persons hand with white snow
