The land of Palestine and Palestinian Territories in the West Bank and East Jerusalem are occupied by Israeli military forces backed and funded by UK and the USA.

The occupation of Palestine and it's territories is illegal under British law and international law.

The Palestinian people yearn for Self-determination and freedom of their land and homes to live in peace and security without the chains of occupation and tyranny.

Along with this illegal occupation by Israel, comes the suppression of Palestinian rights, abuses of rights of Palestinian men, women and children.

Children can be prosecuted in military prisons and held in Israeli military prisons for prolonged periods. Ethnic Israeli children do not face the same processes.

Save the Children have covered numerous reports of abuse of children in Israeli prisons.

Peaceful protests are scuppered by Israeli Occupation forces and often with lethal consequences.

An example is in 2018/19 during the Great March of Return, a peaceful march by Palestinians along the perimeter fence of Gaza to call for an end to the blockade of Gaza and the Right to return to their homes. 266 people were shot by israeli snipers including children and disabled people. Israel failed to investigate any civilian deaths.

Another example is the murder of US-Palestinian journalist Shireen Abu Akleh who had worked as a press correspondence for 25 years. She will shot in the head by an Israeli sniper while reporting from a refugee camp, she was wearing a blue vest clearly marked press. Israel failed to conduct any meaningful investigation and later noted her death was 'accidental'.

These events and many other events like these are not covered by mainstream media in the UK or USA as Palestinian deaths are usually brushed under the carpet.

In 2023 before the events of October the 7th 234 people were murdered by Israelis in the West Bank, an area under complete Israeli military occupation. There is no Hamas in the West Bank yet 234 innocent people were killed including 40 children.

Human rights have long been side-lined by the international community when dealing with the decades-long struggle and suffering of Palestinians. Palestinians facing the brutality of Israel’s repression have been calling for an understanding of Israel’s rule as apartheid for over two decades. Over time, a broader international recognition of Israel’s treatment of Palestinians as apartheid has begun to take shape.

Yet, governments with the responsibility and power to do something have refused to take any meaningful action to hold Israel accountable. Instead, they have been hiding behind a moribund peace process at the expense of human rights and accountability. Unfortunately, the situation today is one of no progress towards a just solution and worsening human rights for Palestinians.

ILLEGAL Occupation in Israel